Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Maker Movement & Design Thinking

Coming up on November 22, 2013             6pm – 9pm
Lion’s Den @ NEMI Recreation Complex  
9001 Highway 6 South, Little Current  Map

What is this “Maker Movement” I keep hearing about? How can the creation of original works help my students? How can I apply this to what I am teaching?

Join us to learn about the Maker Movement, to be introduced to tools you can use to incorporate design learning with your students, and to network with like-minded educators!  

Guest Speaker: Marcie Lewis (@MarcieLew)
“Hacking the Classroom”

Marcie  is  a  Grade  4 Homeroom teacher at Ridley College, and a student in the Master  of  Arts  –  Educational  Technology  (Overseas  Cohort)  Program  through Michigan State University (MSU) where she has been immersed in exploring the Maker Movement and applying it to teaching and learning. She is a member of ISTE and ASCD, and in 2012 was selected as one of 75 educators from around the world to attend the prestigious Klingenstein Summer Institute for early career teachers to examine teaching and leadership.

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