Sunday, 4 September 2016

Manitoulin IGNITEd - Year FOUR!

As we get ready for the new school year, we find it hard to believe that it's been three full years since we started Mantoulin IGNITEd as a way to connect educators and further our learning. Though we haven't been keeping up with our blog (oops), we have hosted some fantastic sessions lately, each time connecting us with new innovators and allowing us to try new things in our classrooms. 

Just this past school year, we've been able to: 

We're already looking forward to new sessions this year based on what past attendees would like to see! We have our second GAFEcamp coming up on September 24, and are in the planning stages for a session on coding in the classroom in November.

We invite you to follow along with our learning at #2016IGNITEd (make that, #2017IGNITEd once January rolls around!), to join us at our bi-monthly sessions (either in person or remotely), and to let us know what topics you'd like to learn about!

All the best for an exciting new school year!

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